Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 30- simplicity

Last day in 30 day of gratitude. I really enjoyed doing this. Today I want to pay my respect to simplicity. It's amazing how complicated we can make our lives and day to day situations. And why? Where does it get us? No where. Everything in life is fundamentally simple. We just have to allow ourselves to be. You don't need to waste energy overreacting. I think that everyone wants the same things; happiness, health and love. Is it really that hard to obtain these things? Or are we just creating metal blocks and personal obstacles? Tell people how you feel. Stop holding back. Believe in yourself. Lift others up. Give everything you've got to something you're passionate about. That's really all there is to it. Sure, there will be hiccups. That's life. It's how you deal with things that counts. 

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