Lately I've been dedicating myself to find inner peace. I've been really pushing myself mentally and physically with my yoga practice as well as trying to control my thoughts. Just like anything, these things take ample practice and sincere focus. I've always struggled to find inner peace. I have many wars internally with myself, my past, my adversities. We all do. I do feel it takes a strong person to control their thoughts and to have power over how they think and what comes into their mind. I've had a weak mind and even weaker will for many years. I would say I'm trying to be more positive but it really irritates me people who claim to be all about positivity and PMA. To me, its unrealistic. There is an intrinsic balance to life, no good without bad. So how can you accurately measure your one sided ' positivity' without equating it with something equally as negative? If you've never been though much or anything difficult, how happy can you really be if you've never had anything bad to compare it to? I feel that people who have really struggled in life relish the taste of pure joy much sweeter than those who have had a cake walk life [see what I did there?]. Take solace in that if you've ever felt with something tragic. I do. So, for me control is about balance. It's about realistic intentions. I don't daydream about a perfect life. I make it happen. I don't strive for happiness one day, I achieve contentment now. Where I am now, is exactly where I should be and I am grateful for every breathe I take, knowing it could easily be my last. I'll never grasp people that have constant unfulfilled objectives. Now is the time. Go out there and do the things you want to do. Don't settle and wrap yourself in complacency. That's too easy. You can never keep doing the same things and expect any change to come. You must make it happen. Initiative is everything. Things don't fall in your lap. Intend to expand and progress with every fiber of your soul.
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