Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity

Yesterday a friend here in Austin, who also transplanted from Las Vegas like me,  invited  me to hang out with 2 other people visiting from Las Vegas. I was stoked until my friend stated that one of the people had a problem with me. She said I "talked shit" about her a few years ago. Funny thing is, it was a huge misunderstanding. Said person had been told that I said something about her on Facebook , even though it was someone else on my feed. I had already apologized to this person a week after yet, they chose not to remember that. They chose to hold a grudge. Like I said- this was 2 YEARS ago! My thought is - get the fuck over it. Not only did I apologize for something I didn't do-they conveniently forgot all about that and still was hanging on to their anger and offense. I just don't understand. Maybe I am just a completely different person now, or maybe everyone in Las Vegas is childish and can't let go of bullshit simply for the fact they WANT  to take offense but either way- I was amused. Why people hang on to shit is beyond me and to me its sad. Who the fuck cares what I may or may not have said about you YEARS AGO?!?! I don't even think about things like that because they don't matter. Its just not at all worth investing energy into. Let go of taking things personally just for the sake of taking offense. Stop embracing your ego and clutching to victimizing yourself. An adult and progressive individual will let go and forgive petty mishaps. Thats just my $0.02.

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