Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 18- pushing the envelope

As I mentioned before- I loathe complacency. I think once we stop trying to progress,  we are on the path to living death. The only real way to do this is to push the envelope, to do something uncomfortable. If you constantly do the same thing over and over it seems like a sort of repetitious hell. Be comfortable being uncomfortable.  Go outside of the norm. Push yourself to reach new levels of consciousness. I never understood how people only are into a certain type of lifestyle and nothing else. How on earth do you grow?! I've never been that way. When I was younger, I was estranged in practically every way. I was forced to adapt to my surroundings and to embrace them, or be miserable. I hated it but if it wasn't for that- I doubt I would have learned anything. It's only by the subtle art of discomfort that I was forced into bending situations to get through, to survive. Believe it or not, every person that has criticized me or hated on me has actually inspired me to gain perspective and toughen up. All the times I've been deceived or disserviced has only made my will unbreakable. I used to pity myself when I was younger for all the things that happened to me, as if to say 'why did this happen to me?! It's so unfair' but now I'm nothing but grateful. It has given me a perspective all my own and a strength that enlightens me every day. If I had been given an easy path, I would probably be a over privileged peice of shit  like a lot of people who don't like me. It doesn't matter. I can handle just about any obstacle thrown at me with my head held high. All the things I've endured are just battle wounds that help me win each new battle by reminding me of my inner strength. The world doesn't owe you a damn thing. Don't feel sorry for yourself ever. Just turn all the pain you've ever felt around and use to to become a warrior. 

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