Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 14- words

As a fan of our language, as well as the written word, I can honestly say that our vocabulary is not used nearly as much as  it should be. It's disenchanting. I'm currently reading a book called 'The Biology of Trancendence' and it says that in 1950 high school students had a working vocabulary average of about 25,000 words. Today the level is 10,000! That enrages me immensely. We definitely should not be regressing on our language to less than half of what it was 60 years ago. That's disgraceful and pitiful. It baffles me the reasons why that may be so. Maybe I'm just different. When I was younger I remember I used to just look up words for the fun of it and try to integrate them into my vocabulary. I guess I'm biased. I love to write. I've always had a pretty sizable way with words as far back as I can recall. I'm much better writing down things I think and feel than saying them in person, usually. Perhaps the cathartic afterglow that ensues is why I write. It is a talent I would like to revamp, hence why I created this blog. I just adore the myriad of options we have to explain ourselves. Words are free and we ought to broaden our usage of them as to keep our language alive.

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