Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 24- intuition

Intuition is a weird thing. Sometimes it actually kind of sucks because there are some things I don't want to know ahead of time. Most of the time however it suits me well. I'm a Cancer with a Pisces rising so I'm highly intuitive with 2 water signs. I don't believe in predicting things but I usually do have a strong idea how things will go, not everything either. It kind of depends. It's interesting. I have dreams about things that happen in the future a lot. Perhaps that's more 'déjà vu'. I read somewhere that if you have déjà vu a lot that means you're life is following the path it was meant to. Whether or not I believe that is another blog entirely but it's a nice idea. Needless to say, I have b haeenving déjà vu a lot in the last year and that's pretty damn cool.

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