Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 26- being emotional

Emotions are thought of to be a weakness. We are taught not to feel and to wear a mask to everyone we know. I think this is utter, pathetic bulllshit. It takes an inherently strong person to be emotional, to feel deeply. In this reality of medicating ourselves and escapism, who is the real weak one? I don't hide how I feel or what I feel. I tried to. I fooled many. The truth is this: I have and will always wear my heart on my sleeve. I find much strength in being emotional for it takes a strong person to allow themselves to feel and not be afraid of the reaction or sanctimony. If you even think for one second you are morally superior than anyone who isn't afraid to show how they feel, you are sorely mistaken. When did it become so hip to be a dead corpse that feels nothing? Is that even human? I just cannot accept how living so frigidly and callously is the norm. It's bullshit. Emotions are how we connect with others and how we are not just biological machines slowly oxidizing until we perish. 


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